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Critical Thinking Journals

Critical Thinking Journal #1


Opposition brings concord: Out of discord comes the fairest harmony.”-Heraclitus of Ephesus. This is definitely the type of quote you can sit and think over a couple times. Heraclitus of Ephesus was a Greek philosopher around 500 BCE. His theories went against the traditional methods of thinking of his time so he was a pioneer in that aspect. He used these ideals to separate from previous philosophers and their thoughts. His abstract principals in which he pondered about provided a wider range of thinking while still maintaining the validity of his inquires. Examples would be The Unity of Opposites, like the quote give to us for this assignment. This theory he developed states that opposites are interconnected; however not identical. In this quote I believe that he is trying to say that opposition eventually leads to understanding or peace in the long run. You could think of this on a large or small scale. It could be used in a minor case such as trying to get a point across to a significant other. Honestly listening to their side will lead to an honest understanding of their viewpoint, even if you wouldn’t completely agree with them in a million years. Therefore, that disagreement lead to mutual understanding. On a larger scale, it could be looked at as tension between two nations: war. Most lead to treaties or a span of harmony between the two. I am not saying that the people from these two nations are going to hold hands and sing songs together, but some kind of arrangements are come to, and that is what I believe he meant in this quote. However; if you were to ask me my opinion on the accuracy of this quote, is a different story. To show you how often this quote can come into play in everyday life, we will revisit a personal experience of mine. The Pharmacy Manager and I have conflicting viewpoints of hip-hop talents, which we tend to ramble on about during slow points in the day. I shall not get into the specifics, but it turns to an interesting debate. However, that opposition of view, and the arguments and points he brought up led to a mutual understanding to agree to disagree. But through the talks we have had, I learned things about older hip hop artists as well as their accolades and in-depth looks into backstories I wouldn’t have taken the time to look at myself. Towards the end of the shift, we agreed to listen to an album of each other’s recommendation and I am sure when we work together again we will have nothing but positive things to say.


Critical Thinking Journal #2


I have grown to have a deep appreciation for a good quote. This week’s assignment is a great one from the mind of Brazilian author Paulo Coelho. From novels, to newspaper columns, to traditional tales, author Paulo Coelho has broadcasted his talents to a wide variety of readers. As a modern writer, the uses of social networking has also helped him create a more intimate connection with his many fans. In my opinion, the quote assigned to for this week is one that needs to be emphasized to my particular generation. “The world is changed by your example, not your opinion,” he said. You can’t think too simplistically and just go for the “actions speak louder than words” cliché. Instead you must take into consideration that Paulo Coelho is a very artistic individual. This man has a background in theater, as both an actor and a director, in addition to being a lyricist, and journalist. So in order to grasp a better understanding of this quote, you must recognize this man is pretty much art condensed into the form a human being. In other words, this man is a personification of the wide realm of art. That being said, he does not strike me as the type of individual to simply change up the words of a watered down cliché and pass it off as an inspirational quote. I think that what he was getting at is that the world is constantly evolving. Access to new materials and technology have opened up the door for industries and skill that did not exist in the past. Following in the footsteps of others simply won’t due, new examples most be formed. What I think when I see this quote is that we do not need a world full of professional visionaries. If you think that last sentence was harsh please stay with me because I have put much thought into my interpretation of this quote. What I mean by this is we live in a time where people are trying to get a check for their ideas. Those individuals getting paid big bucks to say, “Well, I think in at this point in time, my ideas will yield a certain rate of success,” is something that is not going to change the world. Being a visionary is great but without the frame of mind to lead by example it makes you all talk: a spectator. Using your opinions to create a vision is only half the battle, what come next is taking the passion you have for your vision and turning it into a positive work rate. Insisting that your ability to dream big with bring you success on its own simply won’t due, and looking at the standards set by those before us and trying to break even with them is not the right idea either. We need people to lead by example, take that bar set by our inspirational figures and raise it higher because that’s what the very reason any person would set out to be an inspirational figure: to motivate others by the example they put out. The example you set by leading from the front isn’t exactly going to be measured by immediate success either. If you are a pioneer in creating your legacy, pass or fail, that example you set in relentless pursuit of your objective is the kind of leadership people admire. The people who attempt to point out and exploit your low points and pass them off as your downfall are the same individuals who sit back in pass opinions on others for a living. I have always considered myself a leader. It is the exact reason I have a captain armband tattooed on my left arm. In my years as a footballer, you begin to develop a 6th sense when diagnosing the opposing team. The two categories are pretty much a direct example as in the quote. In Paulo Coelho’s quote, there are those individuals who change by example and those who exchange opinions on people setting the bar for others. In football (soccer), there are leaders and role players. Both are essential components to a successful club. However, I have noticed the tendencies of both categories. Those who choose to fill a role on the squad and do not put in the extra time and effort to enhance fundamental skills are the first to cave when their emotions set in. These are the players who will comment on every bad pass you make and will be first pass judgments on the team as a whole as if you gain points for your opinion. Those who are leaders do things like saying, “unlucky” when your teammate or someone on the opposing team messes up and knowing the game isn’t going to be won by passing opinions like notes in a 3rd grade classroom, but by putting the ball in the back of the net. You do not exactly have to be wearing the captain armband to lead by example either. It’s something you have to realize and embrace as time goes on, and once you make that realization, no one can tell you otherwise. I am a natural born leader. The captain armband on my left arm represent more than just my leadership on the field. The team I have to lead to victory is myself. One of my coaches preached to me that the whole is greater than the sum of individual parts. He meant it in terms of our squad being good individual talent, but if we do not harmonize and play for each other and for the betterment of the whole football club, we will lose to teams less talented than ourselves. In terms of my success, I must focus on the whole and not just the things I’m good at: the “individual parts”. Getting myself to broaden certain skills to become a more well-rounded student and productive member of society is something I have to do within myself. In other words the “team inside of me” being the various skills of life need to harmonize and work towards the betterment of myself and not let the things I am already good at be the only things I use to reach the summit of my ambitions. I have already seen my pursuit of my goals inspire others to seek better jobs as well as enrolling back into college, so I will continue to lead through my actions and not my vision.


Works Cited


Goodreads. Ed. Paulo Coelho. 2015. Goodreads Inc. October 8, 2015

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Critical Thinking Journal #3


I have grown to have a deep appreciation for a good quote. There is just something unique about the assortment of words delivered from strong minded individuals that I really enjoy. William Penn is one of those great minds. Although his contributions don’t stack up to those coming up with more modern scientific inquires, it takes a certain type of individual to colonize unexplored land. His religion and knack for exploration went together perfectly as he initially pursued colonization of a foreign territory to seek a heaven. This religions drive led him to found what would eventually become known as Pennsylvania (“William Penn”). It is pretty safe to say this man knows his fair share about the ins-and-outs of property and fair ownership. This quote from William Penn reads as follows, “Justice is the insurance we have on our lives and property, Obedience is the premium which we pay for it”. To be as brief as possible, this quote is saying that there is a justice system to ensure human rights to those who stay within the laws of the land. In other words “paying your dues” to society is what William Penn referred to as the premium. Making an honest living and not trampling on the basic human rights of others should ensure you your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. If those basic rights are interfered with, justice will be on your side. Of course the times back then were much different, and the very ideals preached by our founding fathers, while they are universally true, were not always taken into consideration by the individuals writing them. Many of these statements I learned to be vert hypocritical of certain individuals to write; however, that is not what this assignment is about. My personal opinions aside, nothing takes away from the knowledge and truth behind the words said by Mr. William Penn.


Works Cited


"William Penn."  Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004. 9 Oct.2015 < >


Critical Thinking Journal #4


            Richard Taylor is what is known today as a philosopher.  This means whatever this man conjures up and either writes down or forces through his lips will be seen as deep and intellectual.  Why does such an occupation exist? Who is in charge of determining who is “smart enough” to sit around and write books on their ideas? Probably the same people who insist these individuals are of a higher I.Q. so their words somehow have an added weight to them.  One way or another, this man is quite good at what he does, whatever that is.  He was a professor at the University of Rochester and his greatest contributions was in the subject of metaphysics. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy dealing with the unknown, principals of firsts, concepts of an abstract nature and what not.  So in other words it deals with theories which do not have any real ties to reality, which I find interesting, but don’t really understand how one person’s interpretation is any more influential than the next person’s.  One topic he dove into quite deeply was his ideals on fatalism. When he refers to fatalism, he is suggesting that all events are a result of fate.  One quote of his reads as follows, “All men are fatalists as they look back on things.”  When you take his idea in the context of this quote, he is absolutely correct.  The collection of previous events in anyone’s lifetime results in their current being.  So in a way, that is something that is absolutely impossible for anyone to deny.  It is an absolutely universal quote.  Doesn’t take a genius to think of the wording, however, it is a decent thought nonetheless.  When I relate this quote to my life I think of character building, my growth as an individual.  It is a process which is constantly amended as time goes on.  Instead of looking at fate as something that is met when an individual is deceased, think of it as the present.  When the quote is thought of in that context, the past inevitably set up the events of the present, and that cannot be changed.  So all the things I learned, and my interpretation on various things placed me in my current state of mind.  And while I may not have the same frame of mind later down the road, for better or worse, some things will not change no matter who I meet, or what I am taught. 


Critical Thinking Assignment #5


            Henry Ford, born on July 30, 1863, was credited for revolutionizing the automotive industry.  His development of the assembly line led to the mass production of the model T which in turn led to massive amounts of success.  As we all know, this kind of success cannot happen overnight.  As a young child, Henry Ford had a knack for assembling things.  This passion skewed him away from the farm setting he was raised in and on to better things (Ford).  I took in all the elements of Ford’s life and success when analyzing this quote.  “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way, your right.” said Henry Ford.  So having the actual goal, or in this quote, the initial though, is step one.  The worst that can happen is recognizing it is too much for you to handle at the moment.  However, that is nowhere as bad as not having any desires at all.  At the end of the day the only way you can be wrong according to Ford is to have no real goals in life.  Have a dream, no matter what it is, so no matter what happens you’re coming out on top.  Mr. Ford went from re-assembling of pocket watches to famous pioneer of the automotive industry.  This quote directly relates to his success.  He is just a success story of his own words but that does not mean that the quote only applies to his life.  I too have goals I have yet to meet.  And although I see my goals as an inevitability, the still need to be worked at little by little.  Even if I begin to doubt and somehow convince myself I cannot achieve my goals, right after hell freezes over I can look back at the words of Henry Ford and say that I was right all along for choosing the road I chose.


Works Cited Editors. Henry Ford Biography. A&E Television Network.  November 9, 2015

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